Horse Mystery Lameness

Horses are kind of animals you cannot take their proper care for granted. They are sensitive and have a strong feeling for their immediate environment. The strange thing about a horse is that he can develop an unusual attitude all of a sudden which might create some levels of uncertainties for the owner. Horse mystery lameness is one of the most common health conditions that can affect the physical and emotional well being of the animal. This condition can happen at any time regardless the health status of the horse and can make him to remain in sitting position throughout the day.
It often creates a great fear for horse owners and riders when their active horses suddenly refuse to walk, not to talk of running. It is indeed a big concern and it’s also very important to help the animals get out of this condition by consulting a Vet. Even though lameness in horses may be visible, it may not be so easy to determine the actual leg that is affected. In this type of situation, a diagnosis is needed and necessary treatment carried out to safe the horse.

Some of the ways you can detect horse mystery lameness before it become a serious issue is to always examine how the  animal lifts his hind legs when trotting or taking a short walk. The common sign that indicate that he’s suffering mystery lameness is when he fails to take each hind leg to the same distance when running. It is also a big concern when he feels reluctant to take a short walk or run or decide to tiptoe instead. 

Mystery lameness is skeptical because it may have nothing to do with problem of soft tissues, muscles or joint of the leg. It is even more complicated when you don't know which of the legs is affected, but the use of modern tools like hoof testers have been very effective in examining mystery lameness and its eventual treatment. Causes of mystery lameness are extensive, but the most common ones include degenerative joint disease, fracture, laminitis and muscles, ligaments and tendons problems.   


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