Horse TMJ massage

Horse owners have several ways of keeping their most-cherished animals in good health and physical conditions and checking for problems in Temporo Mandibular joint is definitely one of them. This condition is known to affect the health, emotional and physical well being of horses and requires a quick and complete therapy by a qualified Vet. On the other hand, horse TMJ massage is the process of applying gentle and constant rub down of his temporo mandibular joint to relief him of pain and inflammation and other conditions related to it. 

The TMJ is where a lower jaw and upper jaw of a horse are connected by passing through his skull bone. This joint is can be found at the base of ear and not far from the eye. It is like every other joints and quite visible on the side of the head when the horse chews. But in contrary to having the tip of its bone covered with hyaline cartilage like other joints in the elbow, fetlock and shoulder, it is covered with fibro cartilage. There are many known causes of TMJ disorder and these include inflammation, fracture, arthritis, dislocation, trauma, accident and problems of soft tissues. 

Because of its complex formation that comprises of articular cartilage, blood vessels, nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and salivary glands, TMJ is often vulnerable to a number of conditions such as pain, problem of eating, head tilting and tossing, sticking out of tongue, problem in turning and chewing. However, horse TMJ massage is very effective in reducing the risk of inflammation and other related problems. 

The massage can be done by the horse owner who has been trained in equine massage therapy or a qualified Vet who will also apply other necessary therapies. Though TMJ massage is a simple therapeutic process that has been discovered to be very effective, it requires several techniques and should be applied at the appropriate time to help the horse recover as quickly as possible.   


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