Holistic Horse Bodyworks

There are many things you need to know about the proper management of your horse and one of them is a condition known as equine kissing spine. This condition is when the flat surface of bones located in the spine vertebrate of a horse touches each other because the flanges are located very closely. This condition can cause inflammation and create an uncomfortable moment for the animal and depriving him an opportunity to express his running skills. 
There are known symptoms of kissing spine and these include back pain, arthritis and body weakness. It is known to affect the overall health condition of the horse and slow down his performances. There are many ways you can determine kissing spine and the treatment can only be provided by qualified veterinarian who has deep knowledge about the condition. Some of the symptoms that show that your horse is suffering from kissing spine include strange facial expression and behavior, wrong postures of limbs and when the horse get irritated whenever someone touches him or when girth is being attached. 

It is important to determine kissing spine in horse as quickly as possible to help the animal gets adequate treatment almost immediately. The best way to discover this condition is allowing experts perform diagnosis on the horse through X-ray. However, the treatment is always invasive that involves cutting open some areas of the ligaments in the spine vertebrate using surgical therapy.
Even though there are other causes of equine kissing spine, but the condition is mostly attributed to heavy weight on the horse. And because competition horses are regularly used for physical events which require people riding on their back, they tend to be at greater risk and you can easily notice it when running. However, recreational horses have lower risk of getting infected, but not completely safe. As a result of this, a regular check up is needed for your horse to avoid unimpressive performance.

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