Equine Nutrition Therapy

Horses need a balance nutritional diet to keep them in a good physical and emotional shape. The type of food they eat will also determine the state of their health and the ability to perform extremely well during competition or recreational activities. Although grass has always been the main source of nutrition for horses because of its natural nutrient values, a supplementary diet will make them feel happy and healthy. With grazing of moderate quantity of grass in a day combined with equine nutrition therapy, the physical and emotional feelings of your horse will improve considerably.

Horse owners and riders at all levels are considering applying modern ways of improving the nutritional diets of their horses. And because horses have sensitive digestive system that is very vulnerable to toxins, their owners need to determine the quality and quantity of food that will improve their health and physical conditions. Food with high level of nutritional values and clean water will go a very long way to keep the animals energetic and at the top of their performances.

Equine nutrition therapy is recommended to improve the health of horses and to make them feel excited at all time. It will also improve their enthusiasms and prevent some ailments, as well as contributing to their overall well beings. Some of the most common nutrition supplements to help horses improve mentally and physically include magnesium and amino acids. These supplements are very good in replenishing the nutritional need of competition horses after many hours of vigorous activities.

Some of the advantages of nutrition therapy in horses include keeping them hydrated and completely calmed. It is also a very good method to increase their appetite which will make them eat more and get enough energy to perform at the highest level. The benefits of applying nutrition therapy in horses are extensive and owners are using the method to improve the performance of their competition horses.            


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