
Showing posts from May, 2019

Equine Nutrition Therapy

Horses need a balance nutritional diet to keep them in a good physical and emotional shape. The type of food they eat will also determine the state of their health and the ability to perform extremely well during competition or recreational activities. Although grass has always been the main source of nutrition for horses because of its natural nutrient values, a supplementary diet will make them feel happy and healthy. With grazing of moderate quantity of grass in a day combined with equine nutrition therapy, the physical and emotional feelings of your horse will improve considerably. Horse owners and riders at all levels are considering applying modern ways of improving the nutritional diets of their horses. And because horses have sensitive digestive system that is very vulnerable to toxins, their owners need to determine the quality and quantity of food that will improve their health and physical conditions. Food with high level of nutritional values and clean water w...

Horse stringhalt treatment

Equine String-halt is the excessive bending or curving of a limb or joint of a horse capable of affecting his movement. This condition can cause an improper range of motion in the animal and prevent him from performing to the highest capacity. Horses suffering this condition often move with very low speed with an opposite front leg and back one moving at the same time. String halt is quite visible and could happen to both legs. It is a common condition that can just happen to your horse and without previous warning.  There are two types of stringhalt and there are classic and Australia stringhalt conditions. The conditions are often caused when a horse is exposed to plant toxicity during open field grazing. However, there are indications that low nutritional diets can result to stringhalt and the condition can affect the healthy well beings of the horse, particularly his central nervous system and usually noticeable in hind limbs.  There are no specific cause...

Holistic Horse Bodyworks

There are many things you need to know about the proper management of your horse and one of them is a condition known as equine kissing spine. This condition is when the flat surface of bones located in the spine vertebrate of a horse touches each other because the flanges are located very closely. This condition can cause inflammation and create an uncomfortable moment for the animal and depriving him an opportunity to express his running skills.  There are known symptoms of kissing spine and these include back pain, arthritis and body weakness. It is known to affect the overall health condition of the horse and slow down his performances. There are many ways you can determine kissing spine and the treatment can only be provided by qualified veterinarian who has deep knowledge about the condition. Some of the symptoms that show that your horse is suffering from kissing spine include strange facial expression and behavior, wrong postures of limbs and when the horse get irrita...

Equine mysterious lameness

Equine mysterious lameness is not an uncommon condition in horses and there is a simple therapy to correct the situation. A horse can suddenly become lame without showing any sign the previous day – a condition which will force him to remain in a sitting position most of the time. It is always a big concern to see your once active horse having problems using his leg or legs properly. Though it is a common condition that shouldn't create panic or fear for horse owners, but there is a need to provide quick and effective treatment to help the horse regain his active life. In a certain situation, you may find it difficult to know the exact leg or legs affected with lameness, but veterinarians are well trained to determine mysterious lameness in horses through signs and diagnosis. Some horse owners also have the experience to determine this condition through symptoms such as checking hind legs while running. The most common sign of equine mysterious lameness is when one of ...